Thursday, February 26, 2015

Welcome to Truth in the Word.

    First I want to say thank you for visiting my page! I pray that the Lord is able to use me to spread truth, and expose evil in this most troubling time in our history.
 Long ago I woke up to the evils of the world. Several years ago I stumbled across some information that blew my mind. I saw patterns in government, entertainment, and even a few churches. The pattern is rooted in the same evil that has plagued mankind since our fall in the garden of Eden. It goes by many names and faces. From the Illuminati's secret workings, to the Superbowl half time show, to even Disney movies. Of course the architect of all of this is satan. And we as Christians need to know where he is so we can safeguard ourselves, as well as inform others. For a long time I believed in the devil, but did not recognize his marks besides the obvious. i.e. pornography, blasphemy, etc.

  I am a member of what most call the "Truther" movement. But with one difference from a lot of truthers. I believe this is preordained as foretold in The Revelation as revealed by the Holy Spirit through John. I aim to tie together events and even name where to look for the anti-christ. I firmly believe in Spirit filled life, as it is our ONLY defense in matters of evil. Before Jesus ascended after forty days, He promised he would send a helper to defend us until He returned to Judge and fulfill God's work of redemption of His people in the last days. Without the Holy Spirit and God's Holy Word, it is impossible to see what it is, let alone where and why and how. I am going to using scripture, and the hard work of fellow vigilant Christians to warn and inform how to recognize evil, before it is too late.

   I hope you will join me in this new chapter of my life. I have not done much besides your typical facebook shares, and talking with family and friends until now. I feel a strong calling though from God to step it up a notch, as satan is running RAMPANT today. I believe in Sola Gratia, as well as Sola Scriptora. (Grace alone and Scripture alone.) I follow no doctrines not given to me to understand by God's grace in Scripture.  And if it doesn't come from scripture, like many catholic teachings, it is a doctrine of satan used to divide God's people. I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, and therefore have all the tools I need to understand what is evil, and what is good. I pray catholics receive the miracle I did while in that church. I will eventually tell my story of how I was saved, and then how I was baptized by the Spirit as well. 

   For now though, just know that I am looking out for the Body of Christ as best I can with my research, and prayerful articles. I will link YouTube videos if this blog allows at times, and hope to have my own page as soon as the Lord blesses me with the equipment. Until then I will rely on prayed about videos that line up with Scripture, and an occasional article by good Godly people. There are quite a few people that are doing an excellent job at what we as Christians are charged to do. And I intend to use their hard work and research to further Christian values in this sin saturated world.

Until the next post, please pray for me that I may touch people for God's glory, and that I find other Christians that are awake that I can possibly network with to make this even more effective a tool against the corrupt and totally depraved society we live in.

Always in Christ, Patrick

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